9月初,聂辉华教授的英文专著《Collusion, Local Governments and Development in China: A Reflection on the China Model》由世界著名学术出版社Palgrave Macmillan出版。该出版社隶属于世界上最大的科学出版集团Springer Nature。该书由专业的大学外语教师根据聂辉华2013年的专著《政企合谋与经济增长:反思“中国模式”》(中国人民大学出版社)翻译,并更新了部分数据,最后经聂辉华审定。中国人民大学副校长、著名经济学家刘元春教授,世界著名经济学家、新加坡南洋理工大学讲座教授黄有光为本书撰写了推荐语。
本书英文摘要:By analyzing the interactions between China’s central government and its local governments and enterprises, this book constructs an analytical framework of government-enterprise collusion, analyzing the impact of collusion within the China model on Chinese society. Against the background of decentralization and under information asymmetry, this text argues that Chinese local governments connive at enterprises’ adoption of a low-cost ‘bad’ mode of production ― a ‘stimulus’ for quick growth at the cost of safer working conditions ― so as to obtain fiscal or political capital for further promotion. Through an examination of coalmine mortality rate, environmental pollution, food safety and house pricing, the book argues that collusion is the intrinsic drive of the China model. It consider how against a backdrop of political centralization and economic decentralization, collusion exacerbates corruption and impacts both on the country’s social development and on its foreign direct investment. Offering an analysis of future prospects for the China model, it puts forward key policy proposals to improve domestic institutional construction through reform.

本书索引如下:Nie, Huihua, 2017, Collusion, Local Governments and Development in China: A Reflection on the China Model, Translated by Haifeng Li and Ping Chen, London: Palgrave Macmillan.