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今天转载香港《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)的英文报道,好久没看英文的读者,就当复习一下英语吧。——楼兰君

《Where do zombies lurkin China? Mostly in steel and real estate, report finds》

PUBLISHED : Saturday,30 July, 2016, 12:15am
Maggie Zhang

A sweeping analysis of the mainland’s “zombie” firms found that more than half of its steel mills and nearly half of all property developers qualified for the title.
The report, by the National Academy of Development and Strategy at Renmin University, also found the bulk of the firms were state-owned companies, many of which emerged after 2008, when China spent 4 trillion yuan to counter the effects of the global recession.

The report defined zombie companies as firms that received cheap funding but ran at a loss or did not generate enough profit to cover their interest payments.
The zombies return: why are steel firms in China coming back from the dead?
They pose a challenge for the leadership which has emphasised structural reforms to eliminate inefficiencies but at the same time wants state companies to become “bigger andstronger”.
The report, covering more than 800,000 industrial firms, said at least 7.5 per cent of industrial companies were zombies in 2013, according to latest available data. About 350 listed companies, or about 13 per cent of the total, also qualified as zombiefirms last year, even though they are supposed to be the best businesses.
Nie Huihua, vice-dean of the academy and main author of the report, said his team examined the regional distribution of the zombie firms, and what factors ?allowed them to exist.
“Tackling the problem of zombie companies largely depends on Beijing’s resolution and firm hand,” Nie said.
“Of course, we will see resistance from vested interests at various levels, but it is not an issue that can’t be solved.”
The report had been sent to policymakers in Beijing, he said.
He said part of the reason the firms continued to exist was local cadres were desperate to keep them alive for their own political careers.
“Some local governments put job-creation pressure on normal enterprises and push them to expand capacity, then compensate them with fiscal support,” the report said.
“It creates new zombie companies and made it difficult to close the existing ones.”
Banks also preferred to lend to state-owned or state-backed companies despite their balance sheet, according to the report.
Lu Zhengwei, chief economist at Industrial Bank in Shanghai, said government endorsement was amajor reason why zombie firms received credit from banks, State firms were seen as low-risk.
China’s banks told to stop lending to ‘zombie’ steel and coal firms
“The best way is less intervention from the government and ?allowing the market to play the decisive role,” Lu said.
Beijing has already targeted zombie companies for eliminating, but the progress is limited. The leadership should withdraw its “visible” hand from the economy, the report said.

Meanwhile, the idea of making state businesses “bigger and stronger” should also be reassessed, according to the report.
“It’s very hard to define ‘better’ or ‘stronger’, but it’s much easier to define ‘bigger’,” the report said.
“If state-owne denterprises keep expanding … it will inevitably lead to more excessive capacity and, therefore, more zombie companies.”






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江西省崇仁县人氏,中国人民大学经济学博士,美国哈佛大学经济学系博士后。 现为中国人民大学经济学院教授,曾任中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院常务副院长、科研处副处长。 聂辉华官方网站:白鲨在线(www.niehuihua.com);E-mail:niehuihua@vip.163.com;微信公众号聂氏政经评论(ruc_nie)。 【媒体转载本人博客文章,必须获得本人授权!】
